jueves, 12 de julio de 2007

Y amarle pude

This is a book written by Alicia Yanez C. that describes the life of a recognized and important woman in Ecuador, her name is Dolores Veintimilla de Galindo. She had a very hard life because she had to struggle with the make chauvinism of that time. She also had to face the fact that her husband was cheating on her and especially the biggest problem was that she wasn´t able to do what she liked. Becuase of so much suffering in her life, she finally commited suicide. She loved writing poetry and she became the figure of romanticism in Ecuador.

If you like history, this is a good book to discover lots of things about our country back in 1830. There is also an interesting description of Cuenca in this book which gives you a lot of details about our city by that time. While you read this book you can image everything the author says.

3 comentarios:

Maria Cecilia dijo...

This is a great story. It is full of courage and sadness. It describes the live of Dolores Veintimilla. She was born in Quito and came to Cuenca. While she wrote poetry, she defended a man who got condemned to death. But the society specially writers like Fray Vicente Solano among others started criticized and attacked her. She could not live like that. She killed herself.

ClaudiaC dijo...

I have not read this book, but it sounds to be really interesting. For some people like me it is a better way to learn by reading interenting stories like this one in stead of reading boring ones just with dates.
I hope you can leand me some day so I can read it.

Gaby Toral dijo...

I think that this is a good book, I haven't read this book but the things you have written makes me think that the story is very interesting and really cool. Gaby