lunes, 30 de julio de 2007


Aprendo a Vivir is an excellent book that I have read. It helps you a lot in your life by giving some advices on how to take out the stress and the bad thinkings from your mind and live with peace in your heart forgetting the resentments.
Bernabé Tierno wrote this book. He was born in Cuenca (Spain), in 1940. Licensed in Philosophy, Sciences of the Education and Psychology, he is member of the Spanish Society of Pedagogia. Medal of Honor on the 50º Anniversary of UNICEF in 1996. He was a professor of Letters and gave classes during fourteen years to students of Elementary and Superior Schools in JOYFE of Madrid and directed during ten years the School ZENITH of the same city. For 30 years he has been investigating the causes of the scholastic failure and the strategies for an education and a more effective learning. His conviction about the necessity to apply to the reality its scientific contributions and investigations has taken to him to be in numerous social activities.He was always worried about the education and problems of young people because he had saw them depressed and making mistakes in their lives. This is the reason because he thought to write the book and by his studies, knowledge and experiences demonstrate to the youngers how to be happy in our lives.

1 comentario:

Anita Gabriela dijo...

Nice history, and interesting profile about the writer. The people live many experiences,and the results are different in order to each one. we need to clean our hearts, and follow a "light life" without resentments. but its difficult, very hard.... but we can try..................