miércoles, 11 de julio de 2007

eleven minutes

This book is witten by Paolo Coello. I read this book two years ago. This book talks about a girl that she wants to be an actress and She lived in a little town in Brasil. Someday she went to Rio de Janeiro and met a guy who invited her to Europe. She went there but she worked in a cabaret like a prostitut and she spend eleven minutus whith each custumer . after that, she was in love with a guy who is a painter, many year after tha they know that she was caming back to Brasil this guy stoped her and he asked her if she want to marry her.

3 comentarios:

Thomas Youman dijo...

Hi Italo,

Your writing is good, just check some small errors:

...she spent... (in present will be she spends)...with...(you said whith first but with later, problably it was just a typing error)...many years after tha...caming...stoped..(2 ps)...she wants to marry him...

Everything else is just perfect, thanks for participating.


Anita Gabriela dijo...

Nice book!!!!!!! Romantic and real history....... that kind of things the people has usually...... but not everyone has a happy end.

Leonardo dijo...

Eleven Minutes.

Interesting. I read the article and I understood why the title is Eleven Minutes. Interesting