domingo, 29 de julio de 2007

Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez.

He was born in Mexico (1964). From he was young he wanted to imitate his grandfather (writer Claudio Gutierrez Marín). When he was 12 years, he wrote his first novel. He has written many books, that have a big and special message...... pardon, faith, moral,etc. We need to respect our families and ourselves, and many advices that helps the people to change. He writes real histories, he has two sons Sheccid, Sahian y Zahid. He wrote a book "La Fuerza de Sheccid" inspired in your family and special in his son. He tries to send a big advices for us. May be in order to do not commit a lot mistakes.

2 comentarios:

Diego Donoso dijo...

I think that this writer is really good, because his books makes a social concience in his readers.
I think that the experience of the autor, create fantastics books that the reader can enjoy it.

Mashi Serrano dijo...

Carlos Cuauthtemoc Sanchez´s writings are very interesting because in his stories he explains with detail how people feel and act depending on the situation they are passing through.
He tells the whole truth when it comes to describe people´s experiences and he is not afraid to explain things how they really are.
He refers a lot about relations with parents, rebelliousness, family issues, etc. that reflect his own experience as as person.