lunes, 30 de julio de 2007


Paulo Coelho is a famous contemporary writer that has influenced with his books many people’s lives. This famous man was born in Sao Paulo-Brazil; he studied in a Jesuit school which he did not like since he was not into religion. At the age of 8 he won his first literary prize in a school competition and he discovered his true vocation for the literature. Paulo’s parents wanted him to be an engineer; he started showing rebellion and he dropped school; this behavior made his parents think that he had mental illness. Coelho spend months in hospitals with therapy where he suffered a lot.
I think this part of his life is shown in his book “Veronika decide morir” where the main character Veronika has everything she wants in her life: beauty, friends and youth; but she is not happy. She gets tired of the everyday life and she decides to die. Veronika as Paulo spent a lot of time in a hospital where she had a lot of time to think about the true meaning of life; when she discovered it there was no time to do anything she was about to die.

4 comentarios:

Anita Gabriela dijo...

the money its not always everything....................... we need to share express and spend a bit of time with the people that we want. i prefer to live with my family and my husband without money that have everything material without love!!!!!!!

Mashi Serrano dijo...
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Mashi Serrano dijo...

I like Paulo Coelho´s writings a lot because as a reader, you keep your attention throughout the whole story and makes you imagine everything the author says in his book.
There is not doubt that Paulo Coelho is one of the most famous and recognized writers in Latin America, even in other places around the world.
According with your article about his life I can tell now that his experiences and convictions have really influenced his stories

Gaby Toral dijo...

I think that Paolo Coelho is a really good author... and his book are even better, is good that you have read this book, because the things you wrote means that the book is good for sure.