miércoles, 11 de julio de 2007

la meta

La Meta is a book wrote by Eliyahu M. Goldratt in which contents the restrictions theory, how to work with cuellos de botella and also the main resources. When I first read the book I thought it will be boring but at the moment that I decided to concentrate in what I was reading it became very interesting. Not only because it is focused on the problems that a manager of a company used to have and how to solve them and also in the story of the couple who also have many difficult problems for the job that the main character had and had forgetten his family. The techniques used to confront the problems were the best and helps you to improve your finnancial situation.
Now I preffer this book because one day I will be a manager and I could apply everything it says. In my company I will try to practice and also in my family.

3 comentarios:

Diego Donoso dijo...

I thingh that this book is a very good business book, i enjoyed read it, and I recomend too.

Thomas Youman dijo...

Hi Pao,

I find it great that you think this book will help you in the future, I haven't read it but it sounds like the "business Bible".

About your writing, I can't really give advice yet becouse your article is a little bit to short.

Thanks for participating.

Anita Gabriela dijo...

Its a nice book,because that kind the advices, helps in our jobs, and also in our lifes..... we can improve our personality!!!!!!