martes, 31 de julio de 2007

Aprendo a vivir by pao

I like too this writer, because in his books he told us how avoid problems, bad things, how take out streess and many things that we have take on pactice.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez by Gaby toral

He is a good writer because in his books he described especially to the latin people and the most interesting is that he convine his life with the people of south america.

comment la meta by Juan Pablo

I am agree with him because this book help us to understand and resolve some problems in our company and our daily live.It is a good book and this book give us very important results.

marck anthony

He is considered the responsible for some of the most beautifull songs of love. They are the products of the feelings of an unestable man, who was married with a Miss universe her name is Dayanara Torres. They get two children and after a few time their relation broke and he get married with Jenifeer Lopez. Actually they are living in Miami.
Marck Anthony was born in October 1968 in Puerto Rican. He started in a hotel doing fast food in 1985 he wrote sogns with a friend named willy who was in a group of salsa and then started his artistic world, marck anthony is an actor too, he did a movie with the tittle of a song with the letter of his inspiration. His song was dedicaded to his daughter named Ariadna by the time she was one.

Eliyahu Goldratt and his Book The goal

After I read a book call the goal and the Eliyahu Goldratt biography, i found a lot of common into the two reads because this writer is in focus in the factories production and he is the creator of the theory of restrictions by the way it has a lot in common with his book.

Gabriel Garcia Maquez

I like Gabriel Garcia Marquez because he is from south america and his books are about our continent and specially about latin people's life style. His book Cien Años de Soledad is a really good reference about our life style, he doesn't write just about his life but about all the people that is close to him. In this book he creates a town that is similar to the place where he grew up so thats the way he convines his book and his life.

Jorge Icaza "Huasipungo"

Jorge Icaza is one the most famous writers we have. He is known for his fascinating stories, specially Huasipungo where he criticizes the abuses of the capitalism of that time.

He was born in Quito in 1906. When he was just a little boy his father died so, his mother got married again. His stepfather was a militant, follower of Alfaro’s ideas. This situation led Icaza’s stepfather to be persecuted by people with adverse thoughts, and this family had to take refuge in a huge ranch. This property belonged to Jorge Icaza’s uncle. In this place, at a very young age, Icaza lived very close to the indigenous. He was very impressed by how the owner of the land would treat, hit and humiliate the indigenous, who worked very hard for him, starving and struggling every single day. He was witness of these never ending abuses and he also learned a lot about the native’s language which is very used in this story.

After graduating from high school he went to a medicine school but after two years he dropped his studies because he didn’t have enough money to pay for it. He became an actor, situation that gave him the opportunity to travel and discover the real situation of indigeneous in our country.

We can see that everything that Jorge Icaza lived close to the natives is reflected in this story because he gives us a lot of details about indigenous’ customs, language, etc.

Nirvana-Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain was born on February 2o, 1967, was the lead singer and guitarist of the rock band Nirvana. He grew up with a troubled childhood, which he frequently addressed in his songs and interviews. He was known for his aggressive and disturbing songwriting and also for controversial videos such as “Lithium” and “Heart-Shaped Box”.
Cobain was married with the rock star Courtney Love, they had a life full of trouble due to the pressure of the media and specially drug addiction (heroin).
On April 8, 1994, Cobain was found dead in his home in Seattle with a shotgun on his head that supposed to be a suicide. Since then, the circumstances surrounding his death have generated much analysis and debate.

Louise L. Hay

Louise is the author of El Poder esta dentro de ti, she wrote this book after she got cure of cancer just by the power of her mind. I think that people that trust in their selves can go far away than people that do not trust them.
Louise had many books where she tries to give a message after her experience, she also participate in conferences to give her testimonial to help other people that can have any trouble.
I admire her because she is a very strong women that never gives up and she always try to reach her goals. We should learn her lesson and try to get trouhgt problems and do not fell defeat easily.

Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho, a brasilian writer, whose life had been marked by the supernatural and the fantasies thing, he had been member of several religious orders and he had studied about mystics events. This writer had centered his life in finding answers based on the fantasies, delivering to reader books with his inspiration. For that reason the books of Paulo Coelho are full of fantastics histories, at times marked with religious appointments guided by a mysticism that attracts to reader.

lunes, 30 de julio de 2007

La Meta

It is a book written by Eliyahu Goldratt and it describes with examples the different problems and solutions for reach of goals and the ways for earn money, also describes the factory production and their results, this book is very interesting and important to understand the management systems, and it makes easy.


Ernets Heminway wrote many books, but its masterpiece was "The Old Man and the Sea"; writing in 1952 and published by the Life magazine, this story I consolidate it like one one of the significant writers but of century XX, obtaining the Prize Pulitzer in 1953, and Nobel de Literatura received in 1954, becoming asi a true clasico. In this Ernets work Hemingway it describes a loaded own experience of the misticismo that shapes its very own style to make Literature that this author characterizes. Here also Hemingway retakes a remarcable style, the classic subject of the value before a the defeat, of the personal triumph removed from the loss.


Aprendo a Vivir is an excellent book that I have read. It helps you a lot in your life by giving some advices on how to take out the stress and the bad thinkings from your mind and live with peace in your heart forgetting the resentments.
Bernabé Tierno wrote this book. He was born in Cuenca (Spain), in 1940. Licensed in Philosophy, Sciences of the Education and Psychology, he is member of the Spanish Society of Pedagogia. Medal of Honor on the 50º Anniversary of UNICEF in 1996. He was a professor of Letters and gave classes during fourteen years to students of Elementary and Superior Schools in JOYFE of Madrid and directed during ten years the School ZENITH of the same city. For 30 years he has been investigating the causes of the scholastic failure and the strategies for an education and a more effective learning. His conviction about the necessity to apply to the reality its scientific contributions and investigations has taken to him to be in numerous social activities.He was always worried about the education and problems of young people because he had saw them depressed and making mistakes in their lives. This is the reason because he thought to write the book and by his studies, knowledge and experiences demonstrate to the youngers how to be happy in our lives.


Paulo Coelho is a famous contemporary writer that has influenced with his books many people’s lives. This famous man was born in Sao Paulo-Brazil; he studied in a Jesuit school which he did not like since he was not into religion. At the age of 8 he won his first literary prize in a school competition and he discovered his true vocation for the literature. Paulo’s parents wanted him to be an engineer; he started showing rebellion and he dropped school; this behavior made his parents think that he had mental illness. Coelho spend months in hospitals with therapy where he suffered a lot.
I think this part of his life is shown in his book “Veronika decide morir” where the main character Veronika has everything she wants in her life: beauty, friends and youth; but she is not happy. She gets tired of the everyday life and she decides to die. Veronika as Paulo spent a lot of time in a hospital where she had a lot of time to think about the true meaning of life; when she discovered it there was no time to do anything she was about to die.

domingo, 29 de julio de 2007

Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez.

He was born in Mexico (1964). From he was young he wanted to imitate his grandfather (writer Claudio Gutierrez Marín). When he was 12 years, he wrote his first novel. He has written many books, that have a big and special message...... pardon, faith, moral,etc. We need to respect our families and ourselves, and many advices that helps the people to change. He writes real histories, he has two sons Sheccid, Sahian y Zahid. He wrote a book "La Fuerza de Sheccid" inspired in your family and special in his son. He tries to send a big advices for us. May be in order to do not commit a lot mistakes.


"Juventud en Extasis" written by Carlos Cuauhtemoc, has a nice collection in order to learn a lot of things and advices.The histories show several typical cases about the life. The people can fix many situations; those hystories help to mature with some problems that the people usually have. We need always many advices in order to guide our lifes.....

This collection helped several times in my life, but with the time, we forgot the correct discipline in our behavior.

Sometimes we dont want to see the true....
But we need to accept our mistakes..................................... that usually are many

We can change, but we do not ............................

viernes, 27 de julio de 2007

Roberto Kiyosaki

The reason why i choose Roberto Kiyosaki is because he is that kind of people who is an example for a lot of peolple.
the book that i read is Padre Rico Padre Pobre, and i think he wrote this book because since he was very young he was interested in having alot of money, he first opened a big nylon company and them he had benn related with alot of bog companies. Know he is always with peolple who has big companies and i think that is why Roberto wrote this book to show people that every one can be rich the only thing is that they have to make efforts like in every thing, and to start very soon, because he say the most experience you have the best you are going to do in your business.

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2007

Donde el corazón te lleve

Written by Susanna Tamaro. It is a sweet and lovely story that talks about real human experiences. An old woman thinks she could die soon so she decides to write a big letter to her granddaughter who is far away. In the letter she describes how her life was, how different it was from now and how relationships disappear because of unsaid words leaving emptiness feelings. She wanted to remember her granddaughter that there are no worst enemies that the ones hidden in our own heart. I recommend this novel to everybody. It will make you think that unsaid words in the past will heart us forever.

jueves, 12 de julio de 2007

Y amarle pude

This is a book written by Alicia Yanez C. that describes the life of a recognized and important woman in Ecuador, her name is Dolores Veintimilla de Galindo. She had a very hard life because she had to struggle with the make chauvinism of that time. She also had to face the fact that her husband was cheating on her and especially the biggest problem was that she wasn´t able to do what she liked. Becuase of so much suffering in her life, she finally commited suicide. She loved writing poetry and she became the figure of romanticism in Ecuador.

If you like history, this is a good book to discover lots of things about our country back in 1830. There is also an interesting description of Cuenca in this book which gives you a lot of details about our city by that time. While you read this book you can image everything the author says.

Liderazgo Conciente

Liderazgo conciente. is a book about the relationship between spirit and the body
and how can you control the mind
Inteligencia emocional
weaves together the insights of some of the most remarkable leaders of the world whose lives embody great truths about leadership and self-transformation
masters such as M. K. Gandhi
Edmund Hillary
Mother Teresa
and Albert Einstein

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2007

eleven minutes

This book is witten by Paolo Coello. I read this book two years ago. This book talks about a girl that she wants to be an actress and She lived in a little town in Brasil. Someday she went to Rio de Janeiro and met a guy who invited her to Europe. She went there but she worked in a cabaret like a prostitut and she spend eleven minutus whith each custumer . after that, she was in love with a guy who is a painter, many year after tha they know that she was caming back to Brasil this guy stoped her and he asked her if she want to marry her.

El poder esta dentro de ti

At first i really don't like this book, but a teacher makes me read. When i finish reading it, I realice that it says lots of things that are true. This book was written by a women that had cancer and she got cured just by the power of her mind, been positive and most important thinking positive. The book teach me how I can go trough problems and find the best solution for my problem.
I realize that our mind has a big power that can control everything in our lives, it just depend in how we focus our thougts.

La Meta

"La Meta" is a very interesting reading, because it teaches to the causes and effects to us of the problems in a company. I like this lecture and I think that "La Meta" is relasioned with us personal life and proffessional and mainly it is one pretty reading because it serves us for our race since we are preparing ourselves to be managers.

mas tintura de la hermana Bacha

It is a very interesting book because it shows cases of real life and its pages are full of knowledges, comfortables words and excellent advices. This book help us to understand things about our life things about our family, friends and our interior world.
When i read this book i feel so good, i understand that the life is very nice and i can to do whathever i want considering always my own love.
I recomended to you read this book because when you finish you will feel a sensation or calm and sure will put on practice some of this ideas.

The Notebook

This book is really cool specially for girls because we like love stories and we enjoy reading them.

Since i don't like reading, I enjoyed reading this book beacuse ths story is very interesting, once you start reading you just dont want to stop, so you just keep reading all the time and the book becomes short.

This story is about a summer love. There is couple that spent a summer together when they where young and then they just got in love really really deep, by the end of the summer they had to go back to their homes and then they just keept in touch.
Many years later this guy, Noah, went back to this town and tried looking for her and all the memories there is when he got together with Allie. By then, she was engaged but then they decided to get together so she broke up with his boyfriend so they started to remeber all their stories in the past.


"Como Agua para el Chocolate" tells a story about a girl called Tita; who lived in a small town in Mexico with her mother and her older sister Rosaura . Tita`s family followed a strong tradition that did not allowed her to marry anyone because she had to take care of her mother until she dies. One day, they all went to a friend`s party and she met Pedro; they falled in love and Pedro asked her mother to let Tita marry him; The lady refused and insted she offered Pedro her oldest daughter Rosaura; Pedro accept it since it was the only way to be near to his true love Tita. They got married and pretty soon thay had a child; Tita took care of this kid as her own; she gave him love and protection. Few years later Tita`s mother sent Rousaura and Pedro lived abroad; Tita got very sick since she was used to be with her nephew and she also missed Pedro. She had a very rough time; her mother died and here is when Pedro and Rosaura came back. At the end of the story Tita and Pedro stay together; Pedro was so happy to be near to Tita that he suffers a heat attack and dies. Tita could not stand this and she kills herself.

Padre Rico Padre Pobre

This book is about, a boy with two kind of fathers, one of them is rich and the other one is poor.

the poor father tells the boy every day that he has to finish school and then finish college and study all his life, because with that he is going to find a good job.

thye rich father tells him to study but not to hard, he says the most important thing in lefe is to think smart, when the little boy grew up he relised that the rich father was rigth in his words, later on his rich father teachs him that in your company we have to be competitive people, he give the boy alot of important keys he have to know about to run a company.

he said also if you have workd in alot of different companies doing different kind of staff that is great because you would be able to work where you want, he used to advise the boy about always thinking that he has to work as the boss, because every day we have to think that we are very important peolple, and we can do the best in or lives.

la meta

La Meta is a book wrote by Eliyahu M. Goldratt in which contents the restrictions theory, how to work with cuellos de botella and also the main resources. When I first read the book I thought it will be boring but at the moment that I decided to concentrate in what I was reading it became very interesting. Not only because it is focused on the problems that a manager of a company used to have and how to solve them and also in the story of the couple who also have many difficult problems for the job that the main character had and had forgetten his family. The techniques used to confront the problems were the best and helps you to improve your finnancial situation.
Now I preffer this book because one day I will be a manager and I could apply everything it says. In my company I will try to practice and also in my family.

La Meta

La Meta is a book as a novel about of operation management. It is a technical book that talk about of different process of production. The book narrate different problems that have to solve the managers of different sections in a factory. They have a lot of problems. They have production problems, process problems, delivery problems, emotional problems, and family problems. The book exposes the different probles and how these problems affect to the production. La Meta is a very interesting book bacause it teaches the different methods to optimize the enterprise resorce and how get to be efficient.

The Alchemist

I thing that a good book for read is the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, he is a Brazilian writer, he write a lot of interesting stories. In this case, the Alchemist is about the fulfillment of the dreams, and what do you need to make true all your dreams. The development of this story is in Spain, Moroccan, and Egipt; the author carrie us to wonder places like the Sahara desert, and the egipcians piramides.This book keeps all our atention, for this reason I recomend you to read it.